Live Trading with Nate Bear
Follow along with Nathan Bear and learn his “TPS Method” yourself… live! Daily Profits Live is an investment streaming service that will let you look over Nate’s shoulder for exact details on his trades, including position size and exit strategy. No matter what the market does… you’ll have a guide to help you navigate it every single day.
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How Does This System Work?
This is Nate’s bread-and-butter system, and it makes up 80% of his trades. TPS stands for Trend, Pattern Squeeze.
Nate looks for stocks that are TRENDING up, near recent or even 52-week highs.
He identifies the specific PATTERN in that stock indicating consolidation under a high.
Finally, he looks for a SQUEEZE setting up in that period.
Using this TPS system for identifying trades Nate’s is able to pinpoint strong stocks which are consolidating, and when that squeeze indicator looks good he will strike! and those following along on the Daily Profits Live stream can join him!

Who is Nate Bear?
Nate started his career in construction… working long hours remodeling stores for places like Home Depot and McDonald’s…
He received calls at all hours… with problem after problem to solve.It required a TON of time away from family – sometimes he’d leave on a Monday and not return until Friday.
It was brutal. But in 2015… With several new mouths to feed… all living in a small 1,200-square-foot house…
Nate decided he needed more to provide for his family.
He was going to take a big risk and quit his job…Nate began his career as a full-time trader by turning $37,000 into over $1 million.
In fact… he raked in profits of over $2.7 MILLION from trading in four years. His goal…Do it again… 100% live.
And you can watch every single one of his trades as he attempts to do it again in Daily Profits Live!
If you can watch a streaming video… follow a few simple directions… and make a couple of clicks on your computer…
You can start using the same strategy that helped make Nate a multi-millionaire.